「lumigen seed treatment label」熱門搜尋資訊

lumigen seed treatment label

「lumigen seed treatment label」文章包含有:「LumiGENbrochureforEasternCanada」、「LumiGENbrochureforWesternCanada」、「LumiGEN®seedtreatmentpackageforPioneer®brandcorn...」、「LumiGEN®SeedTreatments」、「LUMIGEN®SEEDTREATMENTS」、「LumiposaandLumiGEN」、「LumiscendFungicideSeedTreatment」

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LumiGEN brochure for Eastern Canada
LumiGEN brochure for Eastern Canada


LumiGEN seed treatments are designed, verified and proven to work with Pioneer seeds genetics, helping farmers establish healthy, uniform crops and maximize ...

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LumiGEN brochure for Western Canada
LumiGEN brochure for Western Canada


LumiGEN seed treatments are designed, verified and proven to work with Pioneer seeds genetics, helping farmers establish healthy, uniform crops and maximize.

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LumiGEN® seed treatment package for Pioneer® brand corn ...
LumiGEN® seed treatment package for Pioneer® brand corn ...


The LumiGEN® seed treatment package on Pioneer® brand corn products is the most robust protection in the industry. * pending EPA label addition approval. NEW ...

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LumiGEN® Seed Treatments
LumiGEN® Seed Treatments


Lumiderm™️ insecticide seed treatment provides excellent protection from both flea beetles and cutworms and creates outstanding early season seedling stand ...

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LumiGEN® seed treatments for corn protect our elite genetics from early- season disease, insects and nematodes to help maximize yield potential. The fungicide ...

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Lumiposa and LumiGEN
Lumiposa and LumiGEN


LumiGEN technologies is the overarching seed treatment portfolio exclusive to the seed brands of Corteva Agriscience. Seedlings need protection during the ...

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Lumiscend Fungicide Seed Treatment
Lumiscend Fungicide Seed Treatment


A component of the LumiGEN package is Lumiscend™ fungicide seed treatment, a unique new active ingredient for powerful airborne blackleg protection. LumiGEN ...